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Tag: Testing

Mock REST API calls with Mockoon

Mock REST API calls with Mockoon

Did you ever wish you could mock REST API calls? This post will quickly introduce Mockoon, a free open source solution, to maybe help others in the righteous path of software design and test automation! Have you already been blocked in your test automation by HTTP calls? Are you interested in developing a frontend application even if the backend is not available? This is a limitation I often come across but I never found the right way to do it,…

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Quick fix for integration testing with Selenium in ASP.NET Core 3.1

Quick fix for integration testing with Selenium in ASP.NET Core 3.1

For those who read Scott Hanselman about integration testing, you’ll have an issue while migrating to ASP.NET Core 3. You’ll end up with an error as the URI will be empty. In this short post, I’ll show you how to fix it in a few lines! Disclaimer: I’m still not very keen about the complexity of the original solution but I don’t think it has been improved in .NET Core so it’s a small trade-off to be able to do…

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